Why Go Digital? Revolutionize Your Freight Forwarding Experience

Digital transformation is the need of an hour. With all industries moving online and digitizing, NVOCCs and freight forwarders have also embraced the technology. Digital freight forwarding market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 25% during next few years. The Logistics industry is developing to paperless digitized industry supporting the growth of the market.

Sail Ahead with NVOCC Software Designed For Your Command

Our solution has been conceived, designed and built with large experience in the domain. The application has a number of note worthy features which in an evaluation and comparison place it significantly ahead of the other systems. The solution provides the client the best cost of ownership and with quickest implementation and minimal customization. The system is built with simplicity yet with evolved engineering to deliver benefits to a large operator but still allow a small operator to buy in and grow with same system in place.

Centralize, Streamline, and Optimize Your Shipping Operations

The business focus of NVOCC, Containerized Cargo (FCL), has been captured in all elements from profiling, preferences, rating and tariff, slot management, container tracking, job cards, invoicing and revenue. The software provides easy access for the operators’ administrator to manage the system. This from adding services, ports, users, customers, freight elements, rules, billing methods, and even to the extent of designing your own organisation, MIS reports and defaults. You can set up shipment consolidations (LCL), exchange shipping instructions , and quickly generate the Bill of Lading and other required documents.

NVOCC Software Features that You’ll Love

  • Digital Freight Portal
  • Enquiry Management
  • Freight Bookings
  • Freight Charges, Quotes, Margins and Rate Management
  • Shipments
    • Export, Import or Domestic
    • LCL, FCL or Break Bulk
    • Ocean Freight
  • Container Tracking
  • Buy Space
  • IGM & EGM Manifest Update
  • Smart Documentation
  • Automated Container Allocation
  • Vendor Invoicing
  • Purchase Order Management
  • Billing, Invoicing and Accounting
  • Container Control
  • Advanced Integrations
  • MIS Reports
  • …and Many More!

Enhance Your Brand with a Customizable Customer Web and Mobile App

Take your logistics business to the next level with our fully customizable, white-labeled customer web and mobile app featuring your own branding.